At 7:03PM CST this photo and text from Dr. Fred Sorrells came through.
“I am sure the US media is reporting the top story today us Bill Clinton’s arrival to Haiti. I was at the UN headquarters earlier today and everyone especially the security was hopping.”
“However, the real news among several great things today is that disabled Marine quadriplegic Quintin Stephen’s donated sports racing bike is alive and well. The building where it was stored withstood the earthquake while the building four blocks down the street behind me obviously did not.”
“I am so happy that this $5000 dollar chair is in great shape for a Haitian disabled athlete, perhaps one of the newly disabled earthquake victims, to cross the finish line first at the 2012 Paralympic Games for a gold medal.”
“I posted a uTube several months ago requesting the Clinton Initiative to build the first track. Not one track like we have at every Jr. high school exists in the whole country. We need that track, including a rehab and therapuetic center, to be build ASAP to start the recovery process for the 200,000 amputees alone in Haiti. Please help me get the word out.”